We must try to find a solution that would satisfy all parties. You can see that there are some political games going on here, whereas we would all like this to be done harmoniously. It would be the best thing for everyone.
Obviously, our committee has its limits. There are two ways of proceeding: the committee can issue a report and make recommendations to the government, or we can table a motion. Clearly, the power lies within the committee report, except that that implies there will be debates in the House and many political discussions. I do not believe that is the solution.
If we have the opportunity to do so, I will probably table a motion. I will read it to you and ask you what you think of it. It would read as follows:
Given the existing partnership between the municipalities, the provincial governments and the federal government since the creation of the infrastructure programs, our committee recommends that the government not penalize municipalities because of the deadlines set during the development of the infrastructure programs, the stimulus projects, the recreational infrastructure program and the pipeline renewal program. Local constraints beyond the control of municipalities should be taken into account.
I would like to know if you think this motion could be of interest. This is what I am thinking of doing, in the full knowledge that it would not have the weight of a report. What I want to do is to try and convince the government to do this, because we have done good work, that also must be said. The problem is that we have this deadline within the framework of these programs, because of the economic crisis, which is causing problems for some municipalities.
Is the motion that I just read something that would be of interest to you?