So I will do it. This is the Minister, Benoît Pelletier, and the former Minister, Claude Béchard, who was responsible for this issue in the Government of Quebec.
For those listening, and so what we are saying will be clear, I am going to read the following document. The letter head is from the Government of Quebec. The letter, which is dated October 16, 2007, is addressed to the Hon. Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, and reads as follows [Translation]:
Dear Minister:
We have read the report entitled "The National Capital Commission: Charting a new course" submitted by the Panel on the NCC Mandate Review on December 21, 2006. The Panel was created by yourself the previous August, following on the intention you had announced in April 2006 to undertake a review of the mandate of the NCC in order to determine whether the Commission "correspond[s] with Canada's new realities".
The Panel's report supports enhancing the status of the NCC in terms of its involvement in the planning, stewardship and management of Canada's Capital Region. It even proposes expanding its responsibilities and budget.
On several occasions, the Government of Quebec has spoken out against the methods used by the NCC in its activities in the Outaouais and the impact of its decisions, which are too often made without consultation, after a closed process that lacks transparency. The problems that have arisen in relations between the Government of Quebec and the NCC are clearly illustrated by the fact that important road infrastructure agreements that were signed in 1972 and 1985 did not come to fruition until 2007. Another agreement relating to an exchange of strategic lands that was signed in 1973 has still not been completed.
We were surprised by the panel's conclusions. After all, the powers that the NCC has at present, whether under the National Capital Act or under the general powers assigned to the federal government, are already very substantial. Moreover, despite noting that the Canadian Constitution gives the provinces jurisdiction for land-use planning, the report nevertheless promotes a new idea, that of the "National Interest Land Mass" (NILM): land in the NCC portfolio that is deemed essential to the long-term viability of Canada's Capital Region. This is a remarkably nebulous concept. It could potentially entail a risk of encroachment on Quebec's territorial jurisdiction in the Outaouais, given that a number of important components of the NILM, including the Gatineau Park and other parcels of land in the Greenbelt, are located in Quebec. Such an expansion of the NCC's prerogatives is an extremely disquieting prospect.
In addition, the report suggests that Quebec should have minority representation, as compared to Ontario, on the new board of directors that might be installed at the NCC. The Government of Quebec takes a dim view of this kind of imbalance in Quebec's representation on what would become the managing body of the NCC. Knowing in advance that important issues that affect Quebec directly, in terms of land-use planning or integrity of the territory, will be addressed there, Quebec calls for equal representation on the board.
In short, while Quebec may agree with the recommendations of the Panel that, for example, propose greater transparency in the NCC's decision-making process, it is firmly opposed to any federal plan based on strengthening the presence and activities of the NCC in the Outaouais in Quebec that would impair or, at the least, threaten the territorial integrity of Quebec. I would therefore be grateful if you would take all necessary measures in this regard to defend the interests of Quebec. Sincerely yours, Benoît Pelletier Minister
That is the first letter.
I will now read the second letter, which is a little shorter.