Thank you.
I just have one question for Madame Des Rosiers. I'd like to ask you whether, if the bill were amended in four specific ways, which I'll read out, you would find it acceptable.
I should say that this is not to say we will necessarily propose these amendments; it's more a hypothetical question.
These specific ways are: one, that Canadian law require that passengers be notified about the information to be shared; two, that adding any countries other than the U.S. to the list would require parliamentary approval; three, concerning the time-limited issue, that this committee be required to review the legislation after, let us say, two years; and four, that the Privacy Commissioner be called upon to monitor the situation and to report regularly to Parliament.
There's a fifth one, but I don't think it could be put into law. You talked about a written agreement from the U.S. regarding the use of data. I think that's more a question of negotiating; I don't know whether it would be possible.
But would those four items make the bill more palatable to you?