I don't want to say it's utopic, but it's something where unfortunately we missed some steps in the wake of 9/11 that probably could have been taken to ensure a different course for the security perimeter of North America.
Without delving into too much history, it's clear in public statements of our ministers around the table at the time that there was a healthy debate around the cabinet table in those days of how we were going to deal in the immediate wake after 9/11. Having lost that initial time, we are going to have to figure out how....
You know, if a multitude of countries in the EU can figure out multilateral agreements in order to make this work.... Considering it's an area of the world that has had physical conflict as late as 10, 15 years ago, in the Balkans, you can still get on a train from Kosovo and go to London without papers. It's unbelievable to me what I have to go through just to take a trip to Washington for the day.
In a sense, there are many who consider the Americans to have an upper hand, but at the same time, my colleagues in Washington have the same concerns. The U.S. Travel Association has the same concerns over those border issues as we do. I think over time we're going to have to figure out how we get into bilateral discussions with Congress, and frankly successive administrations, to try to ameliorate the situation. Otherwise, we're putting a bottleneck on our own trade and commerce. Tourism is an export industry, and effectively by requiring documentation, by requiring difficult widening borders, you're effectively putting a trade restraint on yourself, as we are with our biggest trading country.
All the niceties of tourism aside, if we start to look at it in those terms, it's easier to get a box of cherries from California here than it is somebody from California, and that's a problem for the Canadian economy.