First I would like to thank committee members for this invitation to testify on Bill C-42. The Ligue des droits et libertés was founded in 1963 and is a member of the International Federation for Human Rights.
I would like to begin this presentation with two examples that clearly illustrate the consequences of a traveller monitoring system such as the Secure Flight program. My first example is that of Hernando Calvo Ospina, a Colombian journalist living in France. On April 18, 2009, Mr. Ospina was travelling to Nicaragua via Mexico for Le Monde diplomatique. Five hours before Air France's Paris-Mexico flight was scheduled to land, it was diverted to Fort-de-France, Martinique. The captain informed the passengers that the United States had not authorized the aircraft to fly over the country because one of the passengers constituted a threat to national security. Unknown to him, Mr. Ospina was on the United States' no-fly list. Mr. Ospina is a regular contributor to Le Monde diplomatique and has written a number of articles criticizing U.S. foreign policy and the CIA's role in Latin America. Mr. Ospina's prohibition has nothing to do with air security. The flight's co-pilot even went to see Mr. Ospina during the flight to verify that he was indeed the person targeted by the prohibition. In Mexico, Mr. Ospina was briefly questioned by Mexican authorities before taking another flight to Managua.
Another case I would like to discuss is that of Paul-Émile Dupret, a Belgian citizen who is an analyst for the European Parliament and who has conducted a campaign opposing the transfer of European travellers' personal information to American authorities. As his flight was on route to Mexico—his final destination was Sao Paulo, where he was travelling to attend the World Social Forum—the aircraft had to circumvent the United States because U.S. authorities were not authorizing Mr. Dupret to fly through American airspace.
These individuals clearly do not represent a threat to air security, and individuals like Mr. Ospina and Mr. Dupret could very well have been Canadian journalists or public servants travelling to Latin America.
As my colleagues before me mentioned, the Secure Flight program could have even more serious consequences. A number of Canadian citizens, such as Messrs. Arar, Almalki, El Maati and Nureddin, have been deported to places where torture is practised, or have been arrested and tortured in Middle Eastern countries based on false information transmitted to those governments. Canadian citizens who are originally from countries like Syria will, if their aircraft fly over the United States, be completely at the mercy of information that those countries would be able to forward to their destination country.
Lastly, with regard to the personal information that will be disclosed under the Secure Flight program, it is an illusion to believe that the information gathered will be protected and used solely for air security purposes. In July 2010, the Washington Post published a series of articles that painted a striking picture of the security structure that the United States put in place after September 11, 2001. The Washington Post surveyed 1,271 government agencies and 1,931 companies operating in the fields of counter-terrorism, intelligence and territorial security. Of that sample, 850,000 persons, 265,000 of whom work in private enterprise, have access to information that has a "top secret" security rating.
In 2004, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act established the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The main purpose of that office is to improve intelligence sharing and to integrate it into the national intelligence program framework, which comprises 17 U.S. agencies operating in the intelligence field. The best known are the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, the Defence Intelligence Agency, the FBI, the NSA, the armed forces, the Coast Guard and on. This enormous structure operates like a black hole that sucks in all information available to it but from which nothing can escape. It is an illusion to think that the information provided under the Secure Flight program will be protected, that it will be destroyed or that it could be corrected in the event of any error. On the contrary, that information will be added to the data bases of the U.S. intelligence agencies and will be compared with information held by all the agencies I've just mentioned to determine whether such and such a person should be prohibited from flying over the United States or even placed on another list.
Experience with the anti-terrorist surveillance list, which consists of approximately one million names in the United States, and with the no-fly list, which contains tens of millions of names, has shown that the names of thousands of innocent persons appear on those lists, and there is no recourse mechanism.
The United States has an insatiable appetite for new control measures that it wants to impose on the entire planet. In January 2010, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, addressed the International Air Transport Association. She called for greater cooperation by airlines and public authorities in four areas: information gathering and analysis, an increase in shared training, greater cooperation in passenger screening, higher security standards and the deployment of new technologies such as body scanners. Ms. Napolitano has made the same requests to the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Since September 11, 2001, numerous measures have been put in place by regulation in Canada in the name of security, such as the Passenger Protection Program through the Smart Border agreement. These measures were taken without public or parliamentary debate and have had the effect of undermining Canadians' rights and freedoms, without the individuals whose rights are violated having access to any recourse mechanisms.
Justice O'Connor's investigation of the Arar affair has shown to what extent the ill-considered sharing of information can have harmful effects. Four years after Judge O'Connor's report was tabled, we are still waiting for implementation of his recommendations for the introduction of a mechanism for monitoring security intelligence activities in Canada.
Bill C-42 raises some fundamental issues about Canada's sovereignty and the protection of Canadians' rights and freedoms. The Parliament of Canada has a duty to defend those rights, rather than submit to the United States' endless demands allegedly in the name of security. Canada should play an international leadership role in putting in place air security systems that are consistent with the rights recognized in the Canadian charter and international law.
Thank you.