If you had asked me that question in October 2007 or just before that, I would have said yes. But in 2007, Air Canada sold all its operational centres and all its technical overhaul centres to a conglomerate composed of KKR and Sageview Capital LLC, financed by Lehman Brothers. The loans were guaranteed by Air Canada.
Today, I would answer that Air Canada no longer has operational and technical overhaul centres in Canada. There are none left. If we refer to Air Canada's 2010 Management's Discussion and Analysis, we read: "Air Canada has various related party transactions with ACE and Aveos. As a result of the Aveos Restructuring Plan, Air Canada and Aveos are no longer related parties." That is in the financial report. They are no longer related parties. As well, in ACE's 2010 financial report, it says: "...on January 22, 2010, ACE entered into a Restructuring and Lockup Agreement with Aveos, Aero Technical Support & Services Holdings sarl ("ACTS Aero"), lenders and other shareholders. The restructuring was completed on March 12, 2010. Under the terms of the restructuring, ACE transferred its shares ... for nil consideration." That is, it transferred its shares for nothing. ACE transferred $36 million to Aveos to divest itself of its shares in ACTS Aero and have no further connection with the new company that was formed.