In Barry's Bay, for example, we announced $1,338,333. That project could not have gone ahead. It was to improve the sewage system of the valley, the Madawaska Valley, especially around the park where children play. It was state-of-the-art infrastructure that they never would have otherwise, and given that the province was participating, they were getting the project done for two-thirds off.
Further down in the Bonnechere Valley township, their water purification project was finally under way. They'd been waiting some time for that. We contributed $300,000 at the federal level, and that was matched by $300,000 at the provincial level.
I'd also like to mention that for all these projects, the province of Ontario required that a sign be erected right next to the Building Canada sign and the Canada's economic action plan sign. They felt that it was important for people to know that the government was helping out, especially in this time of economic downturn.
In South Algonquin, they received $186,000 for one project, but they also received half a million for their community centre from the federal government and another half a million from the provincial government. This community centre used to be in a sort of decrepit building. Although it was very homey, it was necessary to bring it up to snuff because the heating bills were costing so much. They hold their community dinners and fundraising there, as well as their church functions because the churches weren't equipped. It is a gathering place, and they use it right now for many community events.
In the County of Renfrew, where there are some very dangerous areas on the roads, they built some new roads, using new technologies--