I'm going to continue Madame Morin's time.
Mr. Minister, I have two questions.
Regarding small versus large, a small business will be less able to afford the costs of the arbitration process, which can be quite large. Each arbitrator in Ontario charges $4,000 to $5,000 per day for services. If you have a hearing that lasts even part of that 45 to 65 days, it can run up quite quickly into $100,000 or more, not counting the small business's own legal bills. A small business will have a much more difficult time going up against a multi-billion dollar corporation like CN and CP, and there is no assistance in this bill for those individuals.
I'm asking two things. Would you consider assistance, and perhaps you'd consider the use of the administrative monetary penalties as a kick-start to an arbitration regime, which would help small businesses? So if you have to collect, and perhaps there's a kick-start to start it, that money doesn't just go into general revenue; it actually helps with the process.
The other question, if I may, is whether or not your ministry is considering helping Canadian Pacific with its plans to build a tunnel across the Detroit River, between Detroit and Windsor. As you have helped with the bridge, will you be helping with the tunnel?