There are a number of services we can give. We can take a train and break it apart and go to 10 customers. For example, in central Manitoba we handle 12,000 cars a year with about 15 customers. It's not a service at CN or CP in particular. There are short moves of small blocks of cars, which they are really suited to. They have big horsepower locomotives, and there's even a question of going on in some of the yards now with some of the equipment they have.
Can we do a better job? We focus on the smaller customer. We have a transload facility in our yard where any small shipper can come and unload two or three cars. They use us. That's typically how we help them. That car could be coming from Texas and going to Manitoba. We only get it for the last mile, but without us I think the supply of those services would be a problem.
I want to comment on forestry. That is where we get hit. We had a forestry line on ours that shipped about 20% of their product by rail, 80% by truck, and expected us to upgrade the line—which would cost multi-millions of dollars, with no commitments.
You can look at northern Saskatchewan. There are three or four of them that have been abandoned because the provincial government...nobody would up.... There's one by Manitoba where they put $40 million into the road and gave us nothing, absolutely nothing, to do anything on the rail.