How long do I have to do that?
I'll start by telling you that the good thing about the number of infrastructure programs that we now have is that you learn from every one of them.
The economic action plan was very specific. I would say the big difference was the very precise timeline that really did force some action. We were able to build on everything that was already in place. We were able to streamline a lot of the processes and get to the finish line, and we'll be able to report very soon on the success of the program, actually, because it is a very successful program. We're in the process of doing some lessons learned, because we want to be able to apply some of the things we've learned to a next generation of programs if we have them. It would be kind of a waste not to. We have learned so much, and there are so many different things that to run through them all.... In general, it was mostly the streamlining and the focus, I would say, as well as many details.
We're going to try to replicate as much as we can the good that came out of it. There were some things that maybe we would do differently, but the good we'll try to replicate as much as possible.