I can tell you about the two areas of differences. I'll refer back to the slides I had up here first.
The two areas are basically the appurtenances that we add to the car and the car itself. The slide I have up here for CPC-1232 shows the appurtenances. We're just focusing on a few items, which I'll quickly go through.
Starting from the bottom of the car, there's an additional skid plate that's a half-inch thick. This skid plate is welded to what's called rebars along the length of the car. It actually truncates at a mechanically fastened area of the valve. The valve is protected within the skid, and a flange is bolted outside the skid. If there were any type of rollover or shear point, it would take off the flange but not affect the actual ball valve that holds the product in the car.
Going to the top of the car, we have a reclosing pressure relief valve. The newer regulations in here are for 27 psi start to release, at 27,000 minimum CFM, which is basically your flow of air outside of the car, or your product or your gases.
In terms of vacuum relief valves, in the past you could actually activate them by stepping on them. That's deregulated now. We have a vacuum relief valve that works on -.75 psi up to about 5 psi, depending on the product and the customer and their preference.
For the two ball valves that are on here, we have a two-inch and a three-inch ball valve. The three-inch ball valve could go up to four inches. That's for your loading and discharging, depending on your system. The two-inch valve is basically for vapour when you're loading it or unloading it.
These ball valves used to be able to be screwed into what's called your fittings plate. Now they're bolted on in place with gaskets so that there's no chance of even loosening it up when you're changing your caps or hooking up your equipment for loading and unloading.
At the end of the car on the 31,800, we have a half head shield added from 2011. It's a half-inch thick and bolted to the end of the car to prevent any, let's say, coupler impacts onto the head of the car.
Going down to the couplers, you have a double-shelf coupler, which prevents couplers from decoupling. It contains them so that you don't have a slip of a coupler going into the head of the car or the car adjacent to it.