Clause 7 deals with liability and the minimum insurance level. What we heard in committee and from witnesses is in regard to the class 1 liability. We asked to have the numbers for class 1 insurance coverage. What we understand is that right now it's more than $1 billion. We heard numbers in the range of $1.5 billion for CN and CP, so we asked the CTA, which was here, for clarification. Unfortunately, we were told that those numbers are proprietary information, so we couldn't get them.
Again, I think we did the ask the minister for some of the information regarding that calculation. There's a lack of information in terms of how we came up with those numbers for insurance.
Again, let me be clear. We are in support of having a minimum liability coverage insurance, but we're concerned about the fact that maybe CN, CP, or class 1 railways will have to pay less or will have less insurance than what they currently have. Has Transport Canada looked at that issue? Are we giving a free pass to class 1 railways?