Because we can't get a definitive answer from the government, we're trying to get a sense, municipality by municipality, of how much has been spent.
We do know now, Mayors, that the federal government is demanding, as a condition of receiving federal infrastructure money, that these billboards be erected in front of any project that it has a dollar in. We know that 9,850 signs have gone up and that it has cost just under $30 million. We also know that the government spent over $15,000 per car by putting up shrink-wrapped economic action plan advertising on GO Transit trains in downtown Toronto. We're very concerned about the kinds of expenditures that are going on here when we have so many important needs.
This brings me to my second theme, which is the Canada 150 infrastructure program announced by the Prime Minister last Friday. Can either of you tell me whether or not you qualify, and will you have the time to submit a bid for any of the money that's been announced or re-announced?
I just want to put a few things on the table for you. One of the top municipal infrastructure experts in the country at McGill described it, “It is an election stunt by the Prime Minister, and should be criticized as such”.
The problem is that it's managed by six regional development agencies now—broken up. There are different rules around the country and varying deadlines, as early as June 9, for example, in southern Ontario. Most of the southern Ontario municipalities are saying there is absolutely no way they will make any kind of deadline of that kind in making submissions. There are different projects that qualify. Western Canada is different from Quebec. Quebec is different from Atlantic Canada.
This really appears to have been cobbled together, rushed out, and poorly thought out in advance of the next election. It really smacks of timing, to allow different folks to announce projects in advance of the October 19 deadline.
Can you give us a sense—if you know anything about this project—of your thinking about this new fund that was rushed out last Friday, without any rhyme or reason, by the Prime Minister?