Thank you, Madam Chair.
I'll preface my questions by stating the fact that obviously you all know that the Niagara—Hamilton area is a very robust trade corridor, attaching itself to over 44% of North America's annual income within a day's drive. In line with that, there's the ability we have to be multimodal in nature when it comes to water, rail, air and road. With it, there are some challenges, as we all recognize. It's a 1950s system, somewhat archaic, and we're trying to bring it up to 2018, with a 30-year plan beyond that, if not a 50-year plan.
I'm going to throw questions to both of you at once and give you a chance to take the time to answer. I'll start with a few questions to Ian, from the Hamilton Port Authority.
The first question is, can you explain more in depth the partnership between Hamilton and Niagara, and with that the participation that you would have to bring the trade corridor up to current standards? The second question is, who do you expect to be additional partners? What are your expectations of the St. Lawrence Seaway as a partner? What bottlenecks can you try to overcome with respect to the current situation, not just with water but multimodal?
My next question is for the St. Lawrence Seaway. Bruce, you explained a lot about your strategic plan as it relates to your in-house demands and aspirations as they relate to the growth the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation is going to have. What I'm even more interested in is how the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation points itself to break through those walls and become an economic partner beyond its own mandate, to contribute to a true trade corridor well into the future.
On multimodal, are you working with rail, road and air to create more fluidity and integrate more the distribution and logistics systems? How are you working with partners to bring your land portfolio to the next level, through a strategic plan with partners, with respect to enabling even more that land investment to accrue over time? The last question is on dock 12. You mentioned dock 12 and the work that's happening over there. Could you explain a bit about that?
I'll start with Ian, and then we'll go to St. Lawrence Seaway.