To build on Joel's point and the report from Minister Bains he is referencing, there was a specific report on the agrifood sector, as it's one of the sectors targeted by the government for future growth. It's one of I think six that were chosen. The big point there was that for infrastructure, you want a long-term plan, and you want it to be evergreen. You want to be constantly talking about how you fix it. When you're looking at how to invest and then how to grow infrastructure, that's a key point.
The other main thing in his report—and I referenced it in my opening statement—is that this needs to be evidence-based. In terms of the transportation sector right now, we have very little insight. The ability to get data and information on how fluid it is and how things are moving from ports right back to the country is very limited. The grain sector has invested a lot of money in developing systems to be able to do that, but we need to take it to the next level.
You've had discussions around blockchain already today. These kinds of things are the kind of information we need to make the correct decisions commercially and with the government.
I would flag again that this regulation system is going to be happening soon. That should be a key focus for this work.