Yes, we have a few examples.
For the pulse sector in particular, a good example of the kinds of things that can cause problems for your industry is India, for instance. It was our largest market. It's a $2-billion market that is effectively closed to us now, due to both tariff and non-tariff trade barriers. The impact of that on the sector was quite big. That product had to find a home somewhere. We had processing facilities in the country that needed to still move it out to keep jobs and to keep the facilities running. As Joel says, the problem we have is that it's extremely competitive out there now. The Black Sea is now matching our production.
Last winter we were faced with transportation problems, coupled with these barriers to a big market for us. It was extremely difficult for Canada to compete, because if we made a sale, we couldn't get the product there. When you have these kinds of failures in your infrastructure and your ability to.... We have some of the best traders in the world and some of the best product in the world, and we can't sell it because no one trusts us to deliver it. That's a big problem, because we're going to see more competition. There are all kinds of things wrapped up in that. There are geopolitical issues, but ultimately, if we're going to be tasked to succeed in the world where competition is going to increase, we need to take these opportunities now to make sure that we have infrastructure and the transportation system we need.