Thank you very much, Madam Chair. If my questions don't take up the full time, I will share my time with Mr. Berthold.
Thank you very much for joining us again this morning. I appreciate the difference you note between the Navigation Protection Act and CEAA, and the link between them in terms of the trigger that used to exist.
I want to talk a bit about the paper that you wrote entitled “Reductions in federal oversight of aquatic systems in Canada: implications of the new Navigation Protection Act”. It had the following three objectives, as I see it. The first thing was to see how long the average environmental assessment took between 2003 and 2012. Second was the percentage of NWPA-triggered environmental assessments that occurred on water bodies listed in the schedule. Finally there was the impact the changes to the NPA will have on environmental oversight. I noted that your paper didn't discuss whether the actual navigation of waterways had been affected.
In your research were you able to find a single lake or river on which navigation was no longer possible as a result of the changes? You're here testifying before the transportation committee, on the Navigation Protection Act, and yet your paper didn't discuss that aspect. I'm just wondering if you could speak to that, please.