It's a good question. If I were able to answer it in a nutshell, then we'd all be in great shape. Unfortunately, it's one of those very complicated problems.
I think there are a number of issues that I see coming up in this context repeatedly and that need to be addressed. Obviously, one of them is the whole private sector data protection puzzle. I think the standing committee on access to information is going to be looking at the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. I think there are some significant issues with the capacity of that statute to deal with the collection of personal information by private sector actors in the big data era. One piece of the policy puzzle would be to look at that as something that really needs to be modernized and updated to address some of those challenges.
In the smart cities context, what I've seen now for quite a number of years is a growing conflict between the ways in which we've structured data protection: we have public sector legislation and we have private sector legislation, and then of course at the public sector level, you have provincial and you have federal.
I think this is increasingly challenging when you have projects that blend together both the public and the private, so that you have governments that are contracting with the private sector for services that are going to involve the collection and processing of this data. I gave you the example of the public transit smart card data, where perhaps you have a cash-strapped municipality interested in a lucrative offer they're receiving for their smart card data and so on. You have more and more issues in which the lines between public and private are not as clear as the legislation would make it seem and the norms that are established under the different statutes are not necessarily compatible, so they can be quite different. I think that's one area that requires some attention. How do you create a framework for this blended data protection context?