Going back to the approach I took that I just criticized a moment ago, when I'm trying to figure out who would come to this, unless we wanted to bring in more people who are going to bring very similar messaging, I could only come up with essentially two meetings, plus the clause-by-clause. Even then, for the clause-by-clause, as I picture it in my mind, we could do it in one hour of the meeting. When I thought about the different groups, I had essentially two and a half meetings.
Just to let you know where my head is at, I was thinking of having manufacturers here, which are obviously going to want to have a presence; dealers, in light of the proposed amendment; some group that would speak to the safety issue, which is what this bill is all about; and, the minister and departmental officials. That's who I saw coming up.
Are there groups that wouldn't be captured in those kinds of themes?