With the harvest that we're seeing right now in western Canada.... Maybe I'll back up just a little bit. Wade talked about the higher volumes of harvest that we've had over the last five to 10 years. A lot of that is because we actually had moisture. We had rainfalls over the last 10 years that were higher than normal. He's right that technological advances and genetic advances in crops have increased our crop yields, but the current year we're in, a lot of the prairies are in a drought cycle again. We're going to see a much lower number than we've had in the past.
We still have concerns. You heard in the last panel that CN moved a record amount of grain last year, but CP's grain movement was worse than what they did in 2013-14. If CN had worked like that last year as well, we would have been in a worse predicament this past year than we were in 2013-14.