It sounds like Sean answered you pretty well. It came up to 1,200 communities and everything....
Listen, I think it's a great question. Let's put the facts down on the SMS system and the regulations we have. To start off, none of the regulations in Canada were removed. There's the Railway Safety Act. There's a number of ways in which the minister, the government, and Transport Canada, Labour, and other federal regulations are put in place and operate in the railroad. Those were not removed with SMS.
SMS was a system. Really, if you truly understand what SMS does, it forces the railroad.... Those plans are reviewed by Transport Canada and by the different regulators. It allows us to build on what the regulations are.
Take, for example, ultrasound testing. What is ultrasound testing? We have some internally of our own and some from outside that comes in and tests the rail to make sure the rail doesn't have any defects. The regulations tell us how many times a year we have to do that. We exceed that by five and six times because, through the SMS system that we've developed, we want to understand what's happening in the rail and what the defects are that we're finding. We look at it on a risk basis. In some places, we do it up to 10 times more often. That's what SMS is all about.