To your first question, it's very similar to what I'm working on, which is a national expert panel on waste water and the concerns with that. It's not that there's any significant scientific dissent on the toxicity, but just the fact that we are facing such a large number of things that are problematic. How problematic is it? Should this be the first thing we act on, and should this be where we spend our money? That's the question facing people in the water space.
I don't think it's like deciding whether or not there's climate change; I think people realize it's a problem. There's been a great increase in the recognition. The science was there, but now there's the general recognition of the significance in the water space, so the community is at the point now of deciding whether or not this is the thing that it needs to move on. I think because there's a recognition and because children are involved in it, people recognize we have to do something about it. For me, the question is more about what we can do; we can either be thrown off or move forward.