I'd be happy to.
Under the rubric of clean power, as the deputy said, there are renewable-type projects. For example, the CIB is undertaking an advisory engagement with the Northwest Territories, both with the territory's utility and indigenous groups, about how to increase the megawatts of power, and clean power, in that region over time and bringing in private investment to help them manage some of their engineering risks, but also to more efficiently deliver power in the north.
In B.C., for example, there's talk both around renewable projects as well as transmission lines, supporting first nations, and how to bring clean power to enable the natural gas industry that's burgeoning in the central part of British Columbia. Again, it's just dialogue at this stage, but now we're starting to see real responsiveness by the utilities once they what might be the value of partnering. Similarly, between Manitoba and Saskatchewan, there are some discussions about how the two journeys partner together and do things a little more boldly—not in the traditional ways that utilities have done it—and bring in partners.
Finally, there is the Atlantic Loop that my deputy, Ms. Gillis, mentioned, which I'm involved in, given that a number of departments are supporting that effort, including our own infrastructure tools to see how a backbone of transmission lines can get clean power from Labrador and/or Quebec in to help New Brunswick and Nova Scotia move off coal-powered generation. I think it's clear that the risk and ingenuity needs to be managed on both sides. Bringing private partners and capital into some of those equations can relieve the burden on both the ratepayer and the taxpayer.
To go back to an earlier comment, there are many large pension institutional investors that are looking to recycle pensioners' capital and others' capital into these long-term assets and really partner with governments to achieve public policy purposes. Now, even for private funds, given their move towards investor demands for ESG and climate-friendly investments, having partners in clean power and distribution really meshes. It's a win-win if we can do it, and we need the CIB there largely because these complex deals need that balancing and structuring to make that work.
This area holds a lot of promise. These projects are big and complex in any event, and I think they are an area where the CIB can bring a lot of value.