We find the fund to be very helpful to us. We're in the process now of establishing a region-wide transit service, inter-regional, intercity and intertown. The federal funds have enabled us to move forward in that regard. We already have a basic service.
Our local municipalities, at least three or four of the larger ones, have bus service at the present time. They certainly utilize the funds to an even greater extent than the region. Now that the region is expanding into intermunicipal service and service that we hope will some day bring GO Transit down our way, we find these funds to be extremely useful.
We would not be able to expand our service as quickly, as extensively or as environmentally sensitively without the funding that's coming from senior levels of government, including the federal government. We would welcome a continuation of funding in that regard.
Even though I know there are times when you have to have the funding come through provincial governments, one of the things we always want to ensure is that, when funding comes through provincial governments—to any municipality—the funding from the federal government actually makes its way down through the province to the local governments, because we don't want it to be lost somewhere along the way.
I haven't seen any examples where that's the case, so thumbs-up to that. Continue sending the money, and we always welcome more. Local municipalities appreciate the kind of funding you're providing, and we hope it will continue well into the future.