Thank you. I was just listening to the end of the interpretation and then I was on mute.
As we've seen over the last year and a half, social infrastructure is particularly important to how we function as a country. We need good hospitals and good schools, and we also need the ability to reach them.
It has been exciting to see the announcements of new funding for new infrastructure over the last several months, but there's still a lot more we need to do.
I'm hoping to see over the coming years more investment in infrastructure projects that combine multiple functions. Traditionally, we have looked at our social infrastructure, things such as schools, community centres, sports fields and police stations, as single-use projects.
As we move forward to the challenges of the 21st century and the increasingly competitive nature of our use of land, more people needing more things and less space, I'm hoping to see us develop putting more things together.
It could be a school that's also a community centre, and on top of it, places where people can live; or a police station that's not just one floor but has many uses in the same location. This is one of the biggest improvements I'm hoping to see in social infrastructure in the coming future.
Also, a question that applies to social infrastructure spaces as well as all infrastructure is how can we repurpose what we already have to deliver more effectively on what we need? The things that we needed 50 years ago when we built much of our infrastructure are quite different from what we need now.