Yes, it's a good idea.
We don't need to wait for data to know these are problems. We don't need to wait to see how many times they've failed to announce pre-boarding, as they did on my flight last night, to know that we need a measure to ensure they announce pre-boarding.
However, there are these measures. Number one is to have secret shoppers, not as part of the airline but as part of an independent regulator that is auditing on site what's going on. Number two is to require that the airlines file with the regulator all the complaints they receive. They could, of course, be anonymized. Number three is to require the airlines and airports, as I said earlier, to publicly announce a simple, easy-to-access phone number, as well as an email address and a mailing address to register complaints, because we'll hear from more people if we tell them in real time where they can do that.
If all those things are provided to the airlines, not just some statistics but what the complaints are.... In fairness to the airlines, just because someone complains, that doesn't mean those are the facts, but you could at least look at them to see what kind of recurring patterns you see. If you get all those complaints—even if you assume that half of them are inaccurate, but you still see a huge trend—that tells you where you need to take regulatory action.
Thank you.