Thank you very much, Ms. Koutrakis.
Thank you very much, Monsieur Montpetit.
Colleagues, thanks for your great questions today.
I'd like to take this opportunity on behalf of this committee to thank our witnesses for your testimony and your time today. It's been very helpful.
I'd like to ask all of our witnesses one last thing. If you have any additional information you'd like to share with us or follow-ups to the responses you've provided, by all means do send those our way. We're going to make sure that our analysts include them in the information they review while putting together the final report.
I also had a request by Ms. Gladu to ask and encourage all of you to hire any Ukrainian visitors. We're not formally calling them “refugees” at this point, but visitors. They are coming to Canada and they are looking for employment.
With that, I want to thank you all once again and adjourn the meeting.