The first question is easier to answer.
One thing I would suggest, which doesn't involve a lot of back-and-forth and changing the act that creates the CTA, is to do what the CRTC did. There was a directive from the government asking if they could make a consumer complaints agency, and we were waiting. They gave them one year to do a report and set up that system.
What came out was the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services that now does this at semi-arm's length but is overseen, especially for systemic issues, by the CRTC. They didn't have to change the legislation for the CRTC; they just asked them to set this up. It's paid for mostly by the industry, yet it's administered by the CRTC through this new body of the CCTS. That would be one way to get around this quickly without having to amend a lot of legislation.
I guess I didn't quite understand your second question, so I apologize. Maybe you'll want to circle back to me to not waste time.