I can try to answer this.
We've gone back 25 years in history, and we've never had an event such as the one we had on the 23rd and 24th.
It wasn't necessarily linked to the snow itself or the snow accumulation. It was really linked to the power failures that took effect. Obviously the infrastructure depends on electricity. For example, all the grade crossings where the barriers come down obviously require electricity. Those events combined with hitting a tree.
I mentioned in my opening remarks, I think, that we as a country have to look at increasing the resiliency of our transportation infrastructure. Weather events are becoming more and more frequent. You hear about the storm of the century. Well, it arrives almost every year now. I think we have to accept the fact that we're going to have to build infrastructure resiliency into the transportation sector in order to minimize the impacts of these weather events, as they appear to be much more frequent.