The minister spoke about moving forward in working in partnership with other orders of government, looking at all of the federal levers and putting them in place as being very important to the government. Working from Infrastructure Canada to bring infrastructure and housing together is one of those ways, as we look at communities and the importance of bringing into consideration the necessary infrastructure investments that are required to be able to densify and augment the housing needs within communities.
Then it's about working very much in partnership with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and a number of the programs that they have in place right now, such as the rapid housing initiative, the rental construction financing initiative, and the co-investment fund. There are a number of programs that exist now.
It's about looking at what more is required as we look at the challenges ahead, very much in partnership with our provinces, territories and municipalities, as well as the private sector.
There is a lot of work to do, but we have put different programs in place, like the GST rebate that just happened or increasing the financing capabilities of the CMHC by raising the Canada mortgage bonds. We're looking at what more we can do immediately to make a difference.