Through you, Mr. Chair, to any of the witnesses, have any of the witnesses been asked to be part of a ministerial round table?
With all due respect, Mr. Chair, I don't see any hands up.
I understand it to be very true that a ministerial round table was promised in early 2023. We're in November, so I think we have a problem here.
Mr. Chair, I also find it interesting that some of my esteemed colleagues around here are speaking about putting people before goods. I agree, except that we have this other small problem, this thing called grain, 92% of which in southwestern Ontario is exported overseas. The question shouldn't be about high frequency and those types of things. It should be, if we're going to make an investment, do we double it so we can actually get out exports out of the country? We see what just happened with the St. Lawrence Seaway. Thank goodness that got resolved. I spoke to the canola farmers at the Billy Bishop airport this morning. They're not quite so sure we're going to get rid of all of our grain. I think a lot more discussion needs to be had around this, Mr. Chair.
I'll just leave it with one more thought. This morning, I left the Windsor airport. I flew with Porter; one of the folks here spoke about Porter. They were fantastic. I flew through Billy Bishop airport. I left at 7:00 a.m. and I was in my apartment here in Ottawa at 10:57 a.m. How long would it take me on a train under the new model, if you would, please, Ms. Toporowski?