Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to begin by sincerely thanking the committee for inviting me to testify this afternoon on the issue of a Veterans Ombudsman. I have followed your work with great interest and I would like to commend you for your collective determination to develop the best possible Ombudsman model for Canada's veterans. This is an incredibly important initiative for our veterans who have given so much of themselves in service to Canada.
I think all Canadians would agree that we owe our veterans—at the minimum—fair, equitable and compassionate consideration when they come forward for help. And, clearly, a Veterans Ombudsman will greatly help to ensure this.
Joining me today is Mary McFadyen, our General Counsel and acting Director General of Operations. Of course, I am referring to the lady seated to my left.
At this point, Mr. Chair, and with the committee's indulgence, I would like to skip over some of the detail regarding my current role and mandates—which can be found in paragraphs 6 to 19 in your copies of my speaking notes—and focus on the issue at hand; that is, the creation of a veterans ombudsman. This begins at paragraph 20 in the document we have distributed to you.
Our own office has been an effective catalyst for positive, substantial, and long-lasting change for Canada's men and women in uniform. This is not to suggest, however, that everything is perfect. Indeed, I have been working with the Minister of National Defence on some important changes.
Most notably, we have been focused on securing a legislated mandate for our office. Our key objective is to confirm our mandate in a more secure and permanent manner, thereby protecting the independence and ensuring the continuity of our office. This, of course, takes me to the issue at hand today: what type of mandate the veterans ombudsman should have.
The veterans ombudsman must be effective; our veterans deserve no less. In order to be effective, the veterans ombudsman must be given all the tools and the resources required to produce concrete results for their constituents. To me, this means that the veterans ombudsman model should, just as our own office should, have a robust legislated mandate.
Such a legislated mandate should provide, at a minimum—and I stress “at a minimum”—for the following: security of tenure for the incumbent; complete independence from the department and agencies over which the veterans ombudsman would have jurisdiction; full ability to decide what complaint or issue to investigate; full ability to determine how any complaint will be investigated and when a file will be closed; clear and powerful investigative tools, including the power to order the timely production of all relevant files and information and the power to compel witnesses to appear before him or her; clear provisions to ensure the confidentiality of complaints handling and of the investigation process; penalties for failure to assist and cooperate, and penalties to prevent any type of retaliation; full ability to make findings and reports public without having to obtain any type of prior authorization; full authority to select and direct the staff; and finally, access to independent legal advice.
Quite clearly, Mr. Chairman, the legislation would contain many other provisions typically found in an ombudsman's mandate. I just wanted to highlight here today some of the key characteristics that should exist.
Let me now turn to an issue that has been of some interest for several members of this committee—to whom should the ombudsman report?
My own personal view is that there is merit in having a specialized type of ombudsman like ours and like a Veterans Ombudsman reporting to the relevant minister. This is based on my experience—now with two Ministers of National Defence, namely, Mr. Graham and the current Minister, Mr. O'Connor. In a large measure, my view is based on pragmatic considerations. I found that my direct, personal and, at times, informal contact with the minister personally and with key members of his office has allowed me to intervene on a number of issues and to cause issues to be resolved quickly and decisively.
In our business, or in the ombudsman's world, these are important considerations. And, clearly, our constituents have benefited from this. I would be concerned about establishing a more distant relationship with the sole minister who has the responsibility, the authority—and accountability—for implementing my recommendations.
Mr.Chairman, let me illustrate this with a concrete and recent example. Earlier this month, namely on November 1st, I released our report on the first combat engineer regiment veterans who deployed to Kuwait in 1991. The day before the publication of the report, I met with the minister and discussed our recommendations with him.
The day after the publication, the minister rose in the House and said that he had ordered the department and the Canadian Forces to implement all of our recommendations. Having spoken to the main complainant on this, I can tell you he was much heartened to hear that the minister had reacted so quickly and so decisively to our recommendations.
There is another very important consideration that I'd like to bring to bear on this issue. Effective steps can be taken in legislation to ensure that the mandate and status of a specialized ombudsman who reports to a minister is protected in a very effective way from what could be referred to as undue ministerial interference. I have already mentioned some of these characteristics, and I would refer you to paragraph 23 of my remarks.
I would also like to reiterate a couple of those here. The ombudsman should have the full and unrestrained freedom to make public whatever report or views he or she sees fit to publish and in whatever form he or she thinks advisable. The ombudsman should have the ability to deal with any complaint in the way that he or she deems appropriate. Finally, the ombudsman should have the full ability to launch any investigation on his or her own motion--that is, without necessarily having to wait for complaints to be filed with his or her office.
In addition to these provisions, legislation should make it absolutely clear, for example, that the minister could not issue any directions to the ombudsman unless they were issued in writing and unless they were made public. This, in my view, clarifies the lines. Though the ombudsman submits his or her reports and recommendations to the minister, the ombudsman maintains a healthy distance from ministerial power and interference. I think the approach that I am proposing, certainly based on my own personal experience, combines the virtue of swift efficiency with that of solid independence.
That being said, Mr. Chairman, there is no question that Parliament and parliamentary committees, such as this committee, of course, have an absolutely fundamental role to play in matters of this sort. The minister, as we all know here, is accountable to Parliament and can be called to appear before any committee.
Speaking from my own experience, my annual reports are tabled in Parliament. Any special report that I issue is widely distributed to parliamentarians and certainly to all members of relevant committees. In addition, I am always, as I'm sure any veteran ombudsman would be, available and pleased to appear before any parliamentary committee to discuss any of our activities or reports or to provide any information any committee may be interested in obtaining.
On a closing note, Mr. Chairman, I would say that a new veterans ombudsman will have a tremendously important—and challenging—road ahead. Given the significant size of the veterans' constituency, I would expect the new veterans ombudsman to receive a large number of cases and complaints in very short order.
It will be, of course, essential that the veterans ombudsman be given the full resources they will require to set the office up, and then to operate on an on-going basis: the best structure and the strongest possible mandate will not be sufficient if the appropriate level of resources to deliver on it are not made available.
Also, and this is a point that should not be overlooked, the new veterans ombudsman must be given a reasonable period of time to set up the office, recruit and train the staff, create the procedures, etc. This is not a small detail.
In short, if they are to succeed and truly serve Canada's veterans in an effective manner, the veterans ombudsman will require a clear and robust legislated mandate, a strong team, an appropriate budget and the appropriate amount of time required to establish a strong office.
At this time, Me McFadyen and I stand ready to provide any assistance that we can do this committee.
At this time, we stand ready to provide any assistance we can to this committee.