In response to your question on reservists, I just want to point out that, as I said earlier, everybody is welcomed into the OSISS program. We serve those in uniform and those out of uniform.
We have a number of reservists who have come forward and accessed services under the OSISS program. One of our trained peer support workers in the program is himself a reservist. His name is Vince Tytler, and he's working from Vancouver.
A large part of the coordinators' role is to make themselves known in their respective geographic areas, and part of that is networking. Part of that is going out and speaking to reserve units, telling them about the OSISS program and the services that are available, and just spreading the word in general.
Part of our program is not only providing one-on-one assistance to individuals, but also bringing veterans and members together in a group setting. Part of these group meetings involves reservists. They come and they meet with other peers, other buddies, other reserve members, other regular force members, and other veterans. So it's by word of mouth.
It is a challenge, because you're quite right, they do go back to their home locales. So we just have to continuously work on raising the awareness and education and on making the program known.
Regarding the international and best practices, that's a really good question. We—the managers, Lieutenant-Colonel Grenier, Major Le Beau, and I—have presented on our program internationally on a number of occasions. We know we have a really unique program.
There isn't a program anywhere in the world that's similar to this program in terms of how we've set it up. Other countries are looking to us. They want to hear about the program, so we've presented in Australia, in the U.S., in Europe. We are invited again to go back to Europe this year. We have presented to NATO.
There are a number of programs around the world that the militaries and veterans affairs have set up, but they're slightly different from ours. I think part of our success—and these other countries are identifying that—comes from both Veterans Affairs and National Defence's working together on this program. There's not a separate veterans program from the VA department and a separate Defence program. There's a program for all, in uniform or out of uniform, and families.
The other things we hear about from our international colleagues are the parameters and the emphasis that we put on this program. These individuals are very well trained. We do not just hire them and put them out to work. They all come with the same criteria for selection, namely that they must be a veteran—they must have been in the forces—and they must have an injury.
Then we train them. We provide extensive training, which is done by Ste. Anne's Hospital. Our Veterans Affairs mental health staff at Ste. Anne's Hospital, along with other individuals from Defence and from Veterans Affairs, provides training. It's almost continuous training. It's ongoing. We continuously reinforce.
The other things we emphasize in our program are boundaries—you have to stick within your role—and self-care, because in order to work with others you have to take care of yourself.
So I think the other countries are noticing that this is a very formalized program. It's formalized in how we've set it up and in how we continue to monitor these people. We continually need to watch them. Dr. Richardson—who's the medical advisor for Veterans Affairs to the program and who unfortunately couldn't be with us today because he's on holidays—and I are following these people through long-term research, looking at their health and well-being. We measure their health when they start to conduct this work for us, and then we continuously measure their health over the course of their employment with us.
Basically, what we're finding is that there is no decrease in the level of health of these individuals. In fact, they are getting better, and it's because they are now able to get back into the workforce, contribute to society, and help others who are in the same situation they were in.