Good morning, all.
Mr. Chairman and members of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, my name is Margaret Ramsay. I'm the acting senior staff officer for mental health services within the directorate of general health services. As such, I'm responsible for the administrative issues related to mental health services across the Canadian Forces.
With me are Major Chantal Descôteaux and Dr. Marc-André Dufour. Chantal is the base surgeon at CFB Valcartier and has the overall responsibility for all medical services at the base, including mental health services. Dr. Dufour is a clinical psychologist and is the practice leader for psychology within mental health services at Valcartier.
We're pleased to have this opportunity to meet with you today. I would like to brief you on the CF mental health services. The purpose of this briefing is to provide you with an overview of how mental health services are delivered within the Canadian Forces. As you may know, we are currently in the middle of a five-year project, called Rx2000, to markedly improve these services. Among other things, the five years will see an increase from 229 to 447 in the number of mental health providers available to our CF members.
Mental health care is provided in an interdisciplinary fashion in the Canadian Forces. Disciplines involved in this care provision include family practitioners, psychiatrists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, social workers, mental health nurses, psychologists, pastoral counsellors, and addiction specialists.
I just want to go over a bit of background with you. In 2001 the Canadian Forces coined a new term, “operational stress injuries”, OSI, that regrouped several mental health conditions that are often the result of stress and trauma. OSI is not a medical term. “Operational stress injury” is officially defined as any persistent psychological difficulty resulting from operational duties performed by a CF member. The term OSI is used to describe a broad range of problems, including PTSD, which usually result in impairment in functioning.
In 2002 the Canadian Forces medical services contracted Statistics Canada to conduct a mental health survey of CF members to determine the prevalence of PTSD and other mental health disorders. This study found that 2.8% of the regular force and 1.2% of the reserve force reported symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of PTSD at some time during the year preceding.
Over the course of their lives, 7.2% of the regular force and 4.7% of the reserve force would have met the diagnostic criteria. The survey determined that depression and panic disorder were significantly more prevalent in the Canadian Forces than in the civilian population. The survey also revealed that regular force lifetime prevalence of PTSD, post-traumatic stress syndrome, equates to that found in the Canadian general population.
Levels of service within the CF—Mental health care is organized into two levels of service provision. This organization is differentiated by the degree of specialization of the service and is defined as either being primary care or secondary care in its delivery. Primary-level mental health care is denoted as psychosocial care. The psychosocial service is the first level of mental health clinical services and functions with the patients care unit delivery, which is called a CDU. In addition to a crisis intervention service, it provides a number of social work administrative services.
Psychosocial services are considered to be brief interventions. Higher degrees of specialization—secondary care—are called mental health services and are accessed through referral from primary clinical services. These secondary services are organized as a series of programs of various degrees of specialization.
Some of these programs consist of the operational trauma and stress support program, the general mental health program, and the addictions treatment program. These are three of our most common programs that are utilized.
Another basic principle of mental health care delivery is its use of regular interdisciplinary case intake and review. Care provided both within the Canadian Forces health care clinic and by external service providers is regularly reviewed. In this way, CF members can be assured that their care is of the highest quality, consistent with evidence-based best practices.
As to service locations, to address the medical needs of Canadian Forces members, mental health clinical services are available in all medical clinics across Canada. As well, the Canadian Forces has five large clinics that offer a full range of mental health services and include operational trauma and stress support centres. These centres are located at Halifax, Ottawa, Valcartier, Edmonton, and Esquimalt. Geographically, they're placed across the country to provide service regionally.
Canadian Forces members and families can also contact the Canadian Forces member assistance program—CFMAP—a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week confidential referral system. This is a 1-800 number. This program provides external short-term counselling for members and their families initially more comfortable in seeking assistance outside the direct military health services.
That concludes my brief for this morning.