Thank you very much.
At this stage, unless there are any other committee members who wish to add in at this point, I think we've exhausted questions.
Before we depart, we do have some things with regard to our logistics officer and the upcoming trip. There are some packages that will be handed around, and she'll be available to answer any questions.
So at this stage now, thank you very much to our witness for your presentation and for answering our questions. I know Mr. Epp, particularly, is appreciative of the time you took to answer his questions. You were very accommodating. Thank you very much.
If you don't mind, I'm sure some committee members will come by to thank you. We appreciate your visit.
Before everybody leaves, though, I just want to address some of the things about the itinerary and the upcoming trip.
Just so that Mr. Stoffer and others are aware of how this works, our person at the back, Kate, who's delivered these packages to us, is not able to appear as a witness, so if you do have questions, officially the way it's supposed to work is that you direct them through the chair.
Could everybody please open their packages and itineraries? As you can see, there's a cheque for per diems and what have you. I'm just flipping through here. We have some calculations of the per diems, both in English and French, the people who will be accompanying us. Now we see Kate's full name, Kate Bourke. We have the itinerary here. I'm just flipping through. I'm sure you're doing the same. There are maps.
Just bear with me one second, Mr. Epp, I'm just making sure I'm familiar with the document before we start referring to it.
Now, as recognized, we'll hear from Mr. St. Denis and then it's Mr. Epp on deck.
Mr. St. Denis.