Okay. Let's step through them. There are many, obviously.
If I just wanted to capsulize it and talk generally about it, one of our officials often used that term “a whole suite of programs” to basically make that transition to civilian life easier for the veteran and their family and give them the support they needed in terms of complete disability.
I was expecting a question on this. Whenever the new Veterans Charter is attacked, I don't think it's attacked in a fair and accurate way in terms of some of the criticisms we come in for--the new charter versus the old system, if you will. Again, the new charter was supported by every party here at the table today. It was introduced by the previous government and supported. I give full credit to the previous minister for the work she did on that and to all parliamentarians on the new charter, and to the department officials.
We came in and we were very honoured to have introduced it and made it a reality. We did our share of the heavy lifting as well. But it's really designed for a whole suite of programs to the veterans, to help them and their families. It's all based on wellness and it's all based on support for the veteran.
As I often say, for the average veteran coming out--the average age is 36--they have about 30 years, if we're assuming the average age of retirement is 65. Of course in politics we never know what the age of retirement is going to be. That means they have about 30 years of productive life ahead of them, in order to support their families and advance their careers, and so on. And I think we're obligated, for a whole lot of reasons, to allow them to make that transition back to civilian life. They did everything we asked them to do. Now it's our turn to help them.
The beauty of it is that under the new system, the veteran doesn't have to be disabled to get that wide suite of programs. The programs are available.
Now, if you're totally disabled, we have a tax-free.... I will ask the deputy to get the correct word. The lump sum payment is what I'm looking for. I always hate using “lump sum payment”, but that payment is there tax-free for the veteran's family to help them out. Our critics always overlook that there is 75% ongoing support to that family in case of disability, based on their earnings when they left the military.
In addition to that, there's a medical program. There are complete rehabilitation programs to reintegrate them, and retraining, including university, if qualified. And on top of that, if the veteran is unable to make the grade, that retraining is available for his or her spouse. So we've really focused on the family.
I often say that if a veteran is suffering, the whole family suffers. Men and women in uniform come back and they have to be transitioned to civilian life. If that transition doesn't go well, it doesn't go well for the entire family. Most veterans are married with family members. That means there are a whole lot of people who are suffering.
I think the programs that were designed and approved by Parliament were well thought out and they are actually playing out pretty well in terms of what we expected. And again, as we often say, the new charter is a living document. It can be changed and we can modify it as we go along when we see the need to change it, which we did with the OSI clinics, for example. We saw an up-spike, a rise, and we were able to respond very quickly to it.
Most members, on examining it very closely, are pretty proud of what we were able to do as a Parliament when we passed that and implemented it.
We do have a comparison chart here. This what I was actually looking for, which I'll make sure all the members get. Actually, I'll have Brian Ferguson, assistant deputy minister, make sure that all the members have one of these. We'll send it out, because it basically compares the old system with the new system. With any system--as you all know--you can sort of cherry-pick, right? You can say there are some parts of the old one that I like better. But I think in 95% of the cases, most of us would argue that the new Veterans Charter is working better than the old system.
Having gone to some international meetings with our counterparts in other countries and other jurisdictions in the world--and I think that's something the committee is going to take a look at, comparing our system to others around the world--I think our system is the best. I really do. And I think we unabashedly state that we basically cherry-picked from a lot of systems when we focused on the new Veterans Charter a number of years ago.
We've got a system that works. It responds well to the modern-day veterans and doesn't forget our traditional veterans for one moment. So I'm pretty pleased with it.