With respect to the reconsiderations, I think when you look at the timeframes there, the chair referred to the fact that we were probably not working with a full board membership, and we were really trying to focus much of our effort on the very first level of review, where many applicants had not had a chance for any kind of redress, and our second priority came to the appeal. The reconsiderations were the last priority for us. So during that year it happened that we heard less. However, once we had more members and we had the time, we were able to recapture that backlog and were caught up. There's no backlog. And I think you'll see the numbers for this fiscal year will be very similar to what they are in the past history.
With respect to the increase in the reviews from 2004-05, we're referring again to that bubble of work that was moving through the system. So, naturally, the more first applications that are rendered there obviously would be more proportionate on favourables and then more individuals wishing to have redress at the first level. At the second level, when you look at the decrease, we talk about how there was a 25% increase in the volume of appeals, and I think, if anywhere, that's where representatives have some challenges in bringing forward many of the claims. As a result, we've seen a bit of a fallback there.
I can also say that from this year, when we talked about reducing our backlog in general, representatives put a great deal of effort into moving forward many of their review claims, and that certainly contributed to the 50% decrease there.
I know you're looking at me, puzzled with all these numbers.