Exactly. I know that I am asking a lot, but you need to designate one person to go and meet with the veteran in his home to ask the right questions and take the time to get him to speak. It is difficult for somebody who has repressed all of the deaths and horrors that he saw to talk about it, and he might simply give any old answer to get it over and done with, because it requires so much effort. It is therefore important to have people who can go and meet with veterans in their homes. Bear in mind that the answers as given in these forms are used as a basis for determining what support will be provided in the future. They are, therefore, fairly important and not providing support for filling them in is a grave oversight.
My second suggestion would be to have a file coordinator for each veteran. Somebody who can be contacted, and who could collate information, such as the psychiatric report. A file coordinator would be able to see, for example, that a given veteran had had to stop work and that his benefits would end on the 15th. Armed with this knowledge, she would be able to evaluate the options, and the process would get underway immediately. At the moment, there is overlap between the different services, which does not help us at all. Documents get lost and we are asked to file paperwork that we had sent in five months previously. It really does not help us at all. And then there is the famous pension number.
That is another point that I would like to make, Ms. Hinton. In my husband's case, he was told that he was eligible for emergency help, but that it was complicated because he didn't have his pension number. He was told that his pension number would come through once Charlottetown had finished its analysis. He was told that once that was done, he would become a pension recipient and would be given a number which would grant him access to different programs. However, in cases involving post-traumatic stress disorder, people have to stop work immediately yet it takes months to analyze the veteran's file. We still do not have his pension number, which makes it difficult to gain access to urgent support programs.
It is not simply a matter of giving us money. However, how can my husband get better if he does not have time to look after himself? It is difficult to hold on to a job when you have to go to Ste. Anne's Hospital once or twice a week. It is difficult to hold on to a job when you struggle to do your grocery shopping.
Does that answer your question, Ms. Hinton?