Mr. Chairman, may I start off by expressing my sincere appreciation to the committee for the invitation to appear here today.
It's been two short weeks since I took my release from the Canadian Forces and laid a wreath at the National War Memorial on Remembrance Day, which was my first official duty as Canada's first veterans ombudsman.
I can't deny that it was hard for me to leave the Canadian Forces. I feel I still had a great deal to offer, but the type of employment I was looking forward to in this job I think has the potential for me to put as much passion into as I did into the profession of arms. Also, I very much look forward not only to improving the lives and well-being of the veterans of past conflicts, but also to smoothing the way ahead for those who continue to perpetuate that legacy overseas.
At this point in time, I am hardly in a position to speak to any degree of detail about the plight of our veterans, the trials and tribulations that they face or what I intend to do about them. Suffice to say that the situation is very, very complex and with so many potential windmills to tilt at, I find that it is most prudent to keep my powder dry for the time being.
Notwithstanding, with the research that I did leading up to taking up the appointment and the flurry of meetings and consultations I have embarked on since, I feel confident that my philosophy vis-à-vis the way I will approach this challenge is fairly mature and will accurately reflect how I will do business.
My intention, therefore, is to introduce myself and this philosophy to committee members.
I come from a culture that places its priorities in terms of mission, buddy, self--in that order. During my military career I never strayed from that principle, and I was known to speak out when I believed the conventional wisdom of the day would compromise our army's ability to perform its mission or would not be in the best interests of our soldiers. Principled stances are not always the best career moves one can make, but I'm proud to be able to boast that I never let career imperatives stand in the way of my commitment to my profession.
I might add that I'm also proud that I can boast that our recent history in Afghanistan has proven the correctness of my past assertions.
This committee, and more importantly our veterans, can rest assured that I will carry that ethos of mission, buddy, self with me into the office of the veterans ombudsman. As the veterans ombudsman, I see myself as the champion of their cause. As testament to this, I've spent the first two weeks of my tenure reaching out to and visiting with as many veterans and veterans associations as I could. Consultation will be one of the hallmarks of my tenure as ombudsman. It is very important that I develop and maintain a deep empathy towards the veterans and remain abreast of the issues that cause them difficulty.
Independence will be the other hallmark, and one that I will vigorously protect. This is critically important if I hope to prevent political or bureaucratic convenience from ever tainting my objectivity or standing in the way of the fair treatment of our veterans.
I hasten to add that Veterans Affairs has been proactive in setting up the office of the veterans ombudsman. A skeleton project staff has been working for some months studying the DND ombudsman, drafting organizational charts and job descriptions, establishing infrastructure, and even receiving and logging complaints from clients; to date, we've received over 100.
We've hired some term employees to kick-start the intake and investigation processes, and we are currently reviewing the cases we've received to date with a view to identifying where we can make some short-term successes. I'm optimistic that we will be at what I would call an intermediate operating capability by spring and that we will be fully operational by the fall of next year, in 2008.
My personal priority in the coming weeks will be to hire a director general of operations who is a master of the mechanics of government and who can make things happen without letting us become overly bureaucratic ourselves. Indeed, timeliness or the lack thereof seems to be a recurring theme in the criticisms levelled against Veterans Affairs, so I will endeavour to make a rapid decision-action cycle a high priority for this office.
Finally, a fundamental principle that I want to follow as we design and implement the processes and structures for the office will be to make and maintain a personal relationship with people who avail themselves of our services.
It's been suggested that without legislation to back up the position of veterans ombudsman, the position will lack the teeth necessary to have a significant impact on the problems that affect the lives of our veterans. I submit that it remains to be seen.
On one hand, I can understand how legislation might make the job easier, but I could foresee how legislation might be as much a constraint as a freedom. In my experience, it could be argued that other ombudsmen have had tremendous impact within their domains despite the frustrations they may have experienced due to the lack of legislation. I might add that I am certainly not averse to taking on such challenges and arguing in favour of legislation if the need arises.
I think any government would be hard-pressed to ignore any suggestion I might make to enhance the lives of those who have served our country, even suggestions made to improve the efficacy of the office of the veterans ombudsman, because today the majority of Canadians share much compassion and empathy for the plight of our veterans. I also think it would be much easier for me to identify accurately what the letter of such legislation should be and to have it adopted after I have some experience under my belt.
It has been suggested that without the legislation to back it up the Veterans Ombudsman will lack the teeth necessary to have a significant impact on the problems that affect the lives of our veterans. l submit that this remains to be seen. On one hand l can understand that legislation might make the job of the Office easier, but l could foresee where legislation might be as much a constraint as it is a freedom. However, if I see that an absence of legislation is a significant handicap for me, I won't hesitate to say so as clearly as possible.
Another criticism of the mandate has been that the Veterans Ombudsman will not intercede in case reviews and appeals. To the contrary, however, l am quite pleased to see that l will operate outside the review and appeal process. Indeed, if there might be systemic problems inherent in the current adjudicative process, l would argue that introducing yet another player or level would be more bureaucratic smoke-and-mirrors that puts a Band-Aid on the symptoms of a problem rather than addressing the root cause. The mandate of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman includes addressing systemic problems and emerging issues which l think gives me plenty of scope to make the current review and appeals process function more effectively if need be.
In closing, I wish to reaffirm the pledge I made when it was announced that I would take up the appointment of veterans ombudsman: it's all about the veterans; their cause is my commitment.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.