Good morning, Mr. Ombudsman. It's truly a pleasure to have you here today. I personally like straight talk, and we're certainly getting that from you today. Having listened to you this morning, I also recognize that you are very well grounded. I find that refreshing.
I would like to reiterate that you have an ally in me, as to your priorities, and your priorities are veterans. I am a cheerleader for veterans, not a cheerleader for the department. Although I think the department does a very good job, I've been saying for years that there is room for improvement. I am looking forward to the improvements you're going to make.
I would like to take a minute to do this. There was a comment made at the last meeting regarding the definition of a veteran by my friend Mr. Perron. I want to read into the record what a veteran actually is:
The term “Veteran” includes traditional war service Veterans - those who served in the First World War, the Second World War, and the Korean War - as well as those former members of the Canadian Forces who have completed basic training with the Department of National Defence and have been released from the Forces with an honourable discharge.
These requirements apply equally to those CF members who have served in the Reserves, Special Duty Areas and on domestic duty. This recognizes the potential risk that all CF members are exposed to when they swear the Oath of Allegiance and don a Canadian uniform.
In conferring “Veteran recognition” to former CF members, there is agreement between Veterans Affairs Canada and DND that the designation of “Veteran” is solely for “commemorative” and “public recognition” purposes. Access to VAC benefits and services are based on need or other defined eligibility and not recognition as a “Veteran”. In other words, Veteran status, in and of itself, does not carry with it the right to any benefits.
That's the end of my statement.
Given the number of people you are going to be responsible for, I'm sure you have your work cut out for you. Once again, I'd like to say that you've displayed the kind of integrity and the qualifications that make me feel very comfortable with you in this position. Thank you for that.
It is stated on your website that you can “refuse to deal with a request for review, except if the request was made by the Minister”. Under what circumstances would you refuse to deal with such a request?