Certainly, I can speak to this, because I worked with Stéphane, who was a major at the time he started the program and is now a lieutenant-colonel. When the program started, he was the manager in the DND seat and I was the manager on the Veterans Affairs side, so I can speak to Stéphane's vision, because I know it and him quite well.
He is a person who has post-traumatic stress disorder, and he's made that very public. He has had many deployments, but the major one he refers to in terms of his OSI, his operational stress injury, is related to Rwanda.
Major Grenier at the time was a top-notch soldier, but when he came back he started to show signs that things weren't right. Things were happening, and he started to feel that things were not going well at work, and so on. He did seek help through the medical system, but that didn't seem to work for him.
The person who reached out to him and started him on his road to recovery was a peer, a fellow soldier in uniform, who called him aside one day and said, “Stéphane, there's something desperately wrong here; you're not the same person. You're a top-notch soldier and things are going”—as they say—“down the tubes, and you need to get help.” He said he would support him getting on the road to recovery. And that's what got Lieutenant-Colonel Grenier on that road to recovery; it was a fellow soldier, a peer, who reached out. That individual didn't wait for Stéphane to come to him, but he reached out to the major.
Major Grenier reflected on that, once he was in treatment, and he really felt it was what has been missing. He felt there had been something missing in the way the system had been set up to treat individuals with mental health conditions. He discussed his vision, his concept, with the senior leadership in his department and was asked by them to put together a proposal. When the proposal was written, it was fully accepted by the senior leadership in National Defence, and he became the program manager to get that program on the road. That was in the spring of 2001.
The vision was that of the peer, the person who reached out and pulled him aside and said, “We have to look at this and address it”, which helped him to reframe the way he was thinking at that particular time.
That's what OSISS does. That's what Cyndi does, that's what all of her colleagues do, and that's what Laryssa does.