We have a psychiatrist. When we talked earlier about having a multi-disciplinary team to support management, we've had a psychiatrist who is a consultant with Veterans Affairs, who has always been attached to the OSISS program from the very beginning. There is a psychiatrist who is from the medical community, who fully supports this kind of model.
Also, there are the operational trauma and stress support centres, which are the National Defence medical clinics for operational stress injuries, and in Veterans Affairs we have the operational stress injury clinics, so in total we have eight in place in Veterans Affairs, and we'll soon have two more, for a total of ten. Defence has five, and they have medical professionals working in those clinics. All of the clinics across the country, pretty much, all know about OSISS. In fact, some of the OSISS peer support coordinators are actually working full-time from the clinic, so they are working in collaboration with these medical professionals.
Referrals will come both ways, and Cyndi can speak to this because she's a case in point of someone who works with a clinic. Cyndi will refer individuals who come to her to the clinic. They have to go through the Veterans Affairs district office, but then to the clinic, and vice versa; the medical professionals in the clinic know of Cyndi and the kind of work she does, and they know about how that can support their work and they will refer individuals to her.
So, yes, the medical community in National Defence and Veterans Affairs are aware of OSISS, and also in the medical community as a whole there are many medical people who are aware of OSISS and encourage their patients or clients, if you will, to seek the services of OSISS or make them aware of the services of OSISS.