Mr. Chair, I would like to offer, first of all, that I share the same opinion of the employees of Veterans Affairs Canada. I have spent a lot of time in the district offices, and the people I have met, without exception, are truly committed to looking after our veterans as much as the system will allow them to.
I also think that many of the employees of Veterans Affairs who make it to senior management positions in Charlottetown by staying there throughout their entire careers are truly dedicated to that one department. They are servants of the veterans before they are public servants, and I applaud them. But they can only do the job as much as the system will allow. And therein lies the problem, I think, of homelessness.
I would not want to get into the reasons people become homeless. It's a huge study, and it's a study that, really, Veterans Affairs should have embarked upon by now. Certainly our allies have.
What I would say is that the system lets down our veterans, not only our homeless veterans but the veterans who are not in that kind of predicament, because the system requires that they self-identify. The system is not proactive. Once a service person in the RCMP or the Canadian Forces crosses that no man's land into Veterans Affairs, that person is on his or her own. And if people are having problems, they have to go to Veterans Affairs and address them. The administrative chain that has built up behind people, either in the force or in the Canadian Forces, is not linked to Veterans Affairs. So they get lost in that no man's land when transitioning to become civilians.
There are some young people who have served overseas in the Rwandas, Somalias, Cambodias, Bosnias, and Afghanistans of this world who have spent as much time in theatres as our Second World War and Korean veterans have. If you couple that with the psychological damage that may have been done and an addiction to drinking, drugs, or alcohol as they make it across there, and you ask that person to go looking for help--statistics show when a person is 10 days away from becoming homeless--then I dare say that we've lost another generation of veterans. They will be much like the 85-year-old World War II and Korean veterans I have met here in Ottawa, as well as in Toronto, who have lived their lives on the streets and have survived there.
The idea is that we have to put out a safety net. This is sealing the cracks. Major-General Grant testified, I believe, either before this committee or the Standing Committee on National Defence, that the Canadian Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada have made great strides in treating people suffering from operational stress injuries through OSISS, the operational stress injury social support system. We have made great strides. But he recognized that some still slip through the cracks. It's really incumbent upon Veterans Affairs to seal those cracks, to identify why people fall into homelessness, and to reach out. Don't have them come to the office and say, “Please help me,” because that's just not going to happen.