I will put my other question to Mr. Herbert and I hope that he will be the one who answers it.
Regarding the mission of Veterans Affairs Canada, it is written that it is “to keep the memory of their achievements and sacrifices alive for all Canadians”.
We have Remembrance Day on November 11th, there is also D-Day, and from time to time, we travel to Vimy in April. But apart from this, what are you doing to keep memories alive?
In my riding, the only ceremonies to take place in a year are those of November 11. That is right. We have the Legion, and veterans are received by the Legion. However, it seems to me that when I was young, there were more commemorations and ceremonies. Sometimes, when I travelled to Europe—I think that you have been there also—it seems to me that the French whom I met, as well as the Belgians, had a different attitude than we do with regard to memorials and ceremonies.