Once again, thanks for having us here today. It's great to be here.
I'm going to give you a brief overview of some of the core veteran initiatives that we work on daily at the Historica-Dominion Institute. First and foremost is the Memory Project Speakers' Bureau, a program that started in 2001 with about a dozen veterans in Toronto. Over the last eight years, it has grown to about 1,500 veterans who share their experiences with young people in classrooms across the country every year. This fall, we are excited to celebrate the one millionth student that's been reached by the memory project, an amazing milestone for the project and its humble beginnings in 2001.
In this project, we engage everyone from veterans from the Second World War right up to returning soldiers from Afghanistan and everything in-between. Recently we've become the official speakers' bureau of the Royal Canadian Legion, so we have a great relationship with legion branches and Dominion Command as well.
The program has been funded over the years by Veterans Affairs Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage, and recently we've had some excellent, high-profile events with Prime Minister Harper and Minister Thompson, and with some of you on the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs earlier this year.
Our newest large veterans project is called the Memory Project: Stories of the Second World War. It's a really exciting initiative in which we are going to be going out across the country over the next 18 months and recording the stories and digitizing and scanning the artifacts and memorabilia of thousands of World War II veterans. We're going to be creating an archive that will become the definitive account of the Second World War based on the memories and experiences of those who were there.
We all recognize the urgency of the situation with our veterans, who are now about 87 or 88 years old. The next couple of years is going to be key in making sure we create that necessary legacy for our young people. We're going to focus on commemorative anniversaries, such as the 65th anniversary of D-Day, just past, through next year's 65th anniversary of the end of the war and the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Navy.
Generous funding has come from the Department of Canadian Heritage for this project. As I was saying, it will run until March 2011, when we expect to have thousands of profiles up on the website. We've already started that process.
The Canadian Battlefields Study Tour flips our approach to veterans on its head a little bit. Instead of reaching out to students, we reach out to teachers and encourage them to travel to the battlefields of Europe to learn a little more about what the experience was like for soldiers during the Second World War and the First World War. They go to Belgium and France and come back with that knowledge and experience in order to then speak to their students and incorporate this into their curricula and lesson plans.
This is an incredible opportunity for teachers. Military historians such as Terry Copp and Blake Seward run these battlefield tours every year. They tour for 11 days across Europe. This is funded by Veterans Affairs Canada, again, and the Canadian Battlefields Foundation. It's a great opportunity for teachers to inform the kids with intimate knowledge of what it's like to visit those battlefields.
The two final programs that we run are local and focus on the Ontario area. One is called the Ontario Veteran Community Archive, which is funded through the Trillium Foundation. This is an opportunity for us to reach out to the communities and ask if they have stories of veterans who are their friends and family members. Instead of having us travel out there to record those stories, we encourage them to visit a user-friendly website, record the stories on their own, digitize and scan some of their medals, letters, and photos, and then upload them to the website. We're going to create a map of Ontario showing the breadth of the stories we'll be able to capture. The website is online now, and we're hoping and expecting to have hundreds of profiles up by next summer.
Finally, Veteran Appreciation Day is something the institute has worked on since 2006. It's a local initiative. We've visited 21 communities since 2006. We've worked with the mayors, MPs, and MPPs in those communities to proclaim the date as Veteran Appreciation Day. The key to this program is to do it outside of Remembrance Day and thereby have an opportunity to celebrate not only the service and sacrifice of our veterans, but also the contribution they continue to make in the community.
Your chair, Mr. Sweet, was kind enough to attend one of our events a couple of weeks ago in Hamilton. It's a really exciting opportunity to gather together the whole community, shake the hand of a veteran, and thank them for what they've done and for what they continue to do in the community.