Welcome. The appreciation you're hearing for what you're doing goes right around the table.
I'd like to go back rather than forward for a moment, because there is a lot of interest in these matters. There's a new energized feeling among young people and students and a lot of it can be attributed to what you're doing.
I had the fortune--or misfortune--of starting my career as a history teacher and I want to talk about it for a moment because I think it's relevant. It's the word “relevant” that I want to concentrate on. We did a great job in the past of making sure we didn't understand any more than we had to about how Canada was built. I'm criticizing my profession as much as anything else.
I raise this because the difference that I always saw between the United States and Canada was that they are extremely dramatic and have a huge film industry, and whether it's accurate or not, they still use it. We wanted to hide from all the horror stories that developed our country and I was always puzzled by that. But I love 1812 because it's one opportunity to remind them that they didn't win every battle and every war that ever took place.
Because it is pre-Confederation, I wanted to go back further for a moment. One of your biggest challenges, and one of ours, is that one of the downsides of our wonderful Confederation is that we have a federal-provincial system. Education is absolutely provincial. You were not mandated as a young person to learn about the history of your province and your country as part of your task in life. You did not have to ask how you got here or what you became. We've tended to gloss over that.
In my neck of the woods, down in Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, I know that a lot of our history is built on the great conflicts between the French and the English. It's almost like you're embarrassed to talk about people fighting, dying, and leaving a legacy that was essential to developing our country. I think this is extremely important.
I could go on about that, but what I'm driving at is that we sometimes want to focus on the peaceful and ignore the violent. That's nice, but it's not honest or accurate. There has been a lot of violence in every society that ever developed and I think young people should understand that. People don't like war or want war. But guess what? The most successful thing mankind has ever done is to make war on one another.
If you read our history books, you will see that they are very generic. They're not challenging. They don't get at the root of the thing. They don't come out and ask young people, “If you were in a position to make a decision, what would you have done and how would it have affected your life?”
I think we'd all agree that we have to honour what's going on. But I think there's a gap back there that we have to look at. How did we become a nation, before we became a nation? What makes up this huge and great country we have? We're missing the point that sometimes it wasn't always nice and friendly. There was some very serious stuff.
If you could go back as king and control the education process, how do you think you'd drive it so that the ones that count the most, the young people, would start off by recognizing that they have an obligation to learn how our country was developed? And by the way, the military was a huge part of how the country was developed, just as it is today in our international role.
We talked about international relations, about building alliances. How do we build alliances with the provinces as we look at this historical challenge?