I've actually timed it. It should be well under ten minutes.
Thank you very much, Mr. Sweet, for your welcome.
It's a pleasure and an honour for me to appear before you today to present a brief overview of the work of the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group and to highlight the key elements of our report. I am also very pleased today to have with me two of the three chairs of the three subcommittees we formed. Colonel Don Ethell chaired our family support committee. Brigadier-General Joe Sharpe chaired the economic needs committee. And as Dr. Vivienne Rowan, who is chair of the rehabilitation committee, could not be with us, I asked Dr. Patrick Loisel if he would appear, because he is an internationally known researcher who is well respected in rehabilitation and return to work. I'm delighted to have these gentlemen with me. They will be pleased to respond to questions later as well.
The aim of these opening remarks is to set the scene, as it were, and to highlight the recommendations in our report. As I mentioned, my colleagues and I will be happy to answer questions you may have to the best of our ability.
The New Veterans Charter Advisory Group was established in 2006 and had its first meeting in the spring of 2007. I had previously been a member, as had Don Ethell. Joe Sharpe was also involved with the VAC-CF Advisory Council, which produced the report "Honouring Canada's Commitment: 'Opportunity with Security' for Canadian Forces Veterans and Their Families in the 21st Century”, under the chairmanship of Dr. Peter Neary. In the last paragraph, this report states that the men and women of the Canadian Forces, wherever they serve, “ should be assured at all times that our country has a comprehensive, coordinated, and easily understood plan for their future”. This statement, of course, was also echoed in the title of that report: "Opportunity with Security".
As you know, Veterans Affairs Canada took this advice seriously, and in 2006 the act that is now known as the new Veterans Charter came into effect. It is also known as the living charter, in that there was an initial commitment and continued commitment to continuously review and evaluate the programs developed under the new Veterans Charter.
The New Veterans Charter Advisory Group was established in the context of the latter. Its role was to provide advice and guidance to the Department of Veterans Affairs as it implements its modernized services and programs and to monitor the ongoing responsiveness of these initiatives in meeting the needs of CF clients, RCMP clients, and their families. This advisory group has representatives from several veterans organizations, a family member whose husband died as a result of injuries in service, and academics with backgrounds in rehabilitation, treatment of mental health conditions, disability management, return to work, and policy issues affecting health and wellness.
At our first meeting we were charged with developing a report on the new Veterans Charter suite of programs over the next 18 months. We immediately established three working committees to focus on families, economic needs, and rehabilitation. This structure proved to work well as the three groups met in committee and shared their thoughts and experiences related to these areas. There was much experience in each group, which had a mix of membership from veterans organizations, both VAC and RCMP, academics, and at times VAC staff. The development of the report was based on major principles encompassing determinants of health, wellness, and life course. It is important to stress these.
The evidence regarding the key determinants of health is solid. There is no doubt that families, economic support, and early intervention are very important factors in not only preventing illness but in maintaining wellness. The life course is a concept stressed in the Gerontological Advisory Council’s report “Keeping the Promise” and reminds us that when we think about the needs of veterans, we need to think about them within the framework of their lives, not within just one period in time.
It is with these principles in mind that the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group has developed the 16 recommendations contained in the report. The following recommendations are accompanied in the report by a detailed rationale. I will just highlight them here, as I am sure that you will follow up with specific questions.
The first area is strengthening family support services. This is an area that is no surprise, I am sure, to this committee. There has been a growing awareness and sensitivity to the families of our serving military members and veterans, but there is still more to be done. We provided five recommendations.
First, number 1.1, take steps to create and maintain a respectful family-centred culture in all Veterans Affairs Canada programs. Second, number 1.2, fill service gaps to ease transition to civilian life. Number 1.3, improve access to skilled, knowledgeable health care providers. Number 1.4, provide more support for family members caring for veterans. Number 1.5, provide more support for survivors and families of the fallen.
The second area is on ensuring financial security. Socio-economic stability is essential to the optimum health and wellness of our veterans. It is with this in mind that we submitted the following recommendations under ensuring financial security. Number 2.1, end the legacy of the insurance-based approach to economic benefits. Number 2.2, ensure disabled veterans receive a fair, equitable income consistent with a normal military career. Number 2.3, increase access to the permanent impairment allowance. Number 2.4, ensure non-economic loss awards are comparable to those offered in civil society.
The third major area is raising the bar for rehabilitation services and outcomes. Veterans Affairs recognizes the importance of rehabilitation in assisting veterans to resettle back into their communities, but our committee felt that there is still more to be done: 3.1, modernize the rehabilitation programs; 3.2, improve case management services; 3.3, improve access to Veterans Affairs rehabilitation services; 3.4, repair damaged relationships with providers.
We then added two more major recommendations. Number 4, actively promote new Veterans Charter programs and services. Number 5, establish performance measures to gather data and assess impact of programs. Under that number five item, we had two recommendations: 5.1, monitor programs and services; 5.2, invest in research, because there's still more research to be achieved in the area of rehabilitation, and other areas too, and its impact on the veteran, particularly the area of transition to civilian life and work.
The New Veterans Charter Advisory Group considers all these recommendations to be important, and therefore has not prioritized them. We feel it's not our job to do so, and therefore present them as equally important and informing an integrated whole.
Thank you for this opportunity to make these opening remarks. I will close by emphasizing the importance of moving forward as quickly as possible to the process of implementation, in order that our veterans receive the kind of care they not only need but deserve.
Thank you very much.