I agree with you completely.
One thing in my additional notes here that I thought I would try to get in is that education really is the key.
I've done some work... We're refining that work with a graduate student of mine who's going to do a dissertation out of it, and David Pedlar, the director of research, is going to be on our committee. But we've done some research with the Canadian Forces survey, which is fairly old now, but clearly shows that educational attainment really makes a difference when people are discharged with a disability. It's a huge difference. There are predictable levels. Those with less high school do a lot worse than people with some high school even. Having a degree makes a huge difference as well. It's a qualitative difference. There's a statistically significant difference in financial outcomes later in life.
I have a student in my class, a Caroliner—I just gave him an A on his term paper as a matter of fact—and he's here because he's paid for by the G.I. Bill in the United States. We used to send World War II veterans to college. Educational benefits can make a huge difference. It is a social determinant of health.
We have to remember—and this is referred to in the report—people who are transitioning from the military, which is a particular kind of work, are now going into other occupations in a different field. Having an educational foundation to be able to do that can be very, very important.
First of all--and this is a DND thing, not a VAC thing--I think there should be a lot more attention to helping serving soldiers and members of the forces upgrade their education while they're in the service, and in a sense make the forces an educational... No one should leave the Canadian Forces without at least the equivalent of a high school education--no one.
The university support would be an investment that is well worth it. Look at how educational benefits helped transform this country as well as the United States after the Second World War.
These were not even explicitly on the table. That's me talking. I think that would be a really good thing.
The other thing, in the broader sense, about the social determinants of health, and this may be where the recommendations in Keeping the Promise for a kind of jacked-up integrated case management system come into play, is you need a system that's comprehensive enough that you can handle the health aspects of the disability but also the social aspects in terms of economics and the family. They all intertwine.
We know that operational stress injuries, for example, lead to a lot of marriage failures, and we can understand why with the things people are going through. There are other things—increasing the use of the Canadian Forces bases. Family benefits programs and their accessibility by veterans are great. They're also in several parts of the country, which helps as well.
But I think case management is a really important function. That also means training people for broadly based case management, which integrates not just the health aspects but the family and economic aspects as well.