Thank you, Mr. Chair, and welcome to you all. It's a helpful process.
I'll start by indicating, as the chair noted, that we are quite prepared to extend our activities because we are still learning as we go and we don't want to rush the final outcome. But I would point out a couple of comments about suggested amendments that cover two or three of the items of concern that were raised today. We appreciate the additional ones as well.
I think one should also point out, as a reference, that the Legion was here, and we talked about the potential conflict of principle, but it should be back on the record that the Legion did indicate they are quite okay if you looked at amending the act to include it. So it continues to be a contradiction as to the right of ownership and the right of disposal, as it were.
I go to Mr. Lévesque's point in that the intended principle of what Mr. Schellenberger brought forward was to try to close some of the gap in the more modern era. I'm quite aware that when your bill was first introduced there was quite a bit of debate and discussion about similar sorts of things and there was some very strong feeling. So I think there is a modest opportunity here to bridge some of that gap, and that's certainly our intent to try to do that. So we welcome the input.
When you talked about the cash question, I guess I go there for the value. I'd like to understand a little bit more, in helping us, because we want to deal with that particular issue. We don't want to create an undue burden. What would the suggestion be to simplify that so that it does become more in line with what is done nationally?