Those are excellent questions. You might need to remind me of them, but I'll do the last one first.
Again, we've come way ahead. Nothing's perfect, but we have come way ahead in this area. It starts way back, but one thing we do have for members with chronic illness, physical or psychological, is the joint personnel support units that have been created on every base. So the people who need extra attention administratively, medically, and those kinds of things, belong to these units, which are on every base.
There will be a transition, so a person getting a release message will not be released from the Canadian Forces for at least six months. And “case manger” is the most badly defined term ever, because every clinic will have a different definition of case manager. But our CF case managers are all nurses, and one of their main jobs is absolutely to hook the person up with services after they leave. Again, it's a huge country and people have the right to move wherever they want. If I had my druthers, all of our members would release around large centres, for obvious reasons.
When they do know where they're to be released from the forces, we take care of details right down to telling them, “Make sure you apply for civilian health care.” We don't have OHIP cards, right? We tell them to make sure they apply for a health card. We also ask them if they have a family doctor. If not, we try to set up the person with a family doctor. If we know where they're communicating from, our mental health professionals will try to hook them up with a professional in their region. If it happens to be in a region where there is a VAC OSI—and there are a number of them now—we will make arrangements for them to transition there. They might even be seen there while they're still serving.
So we make those connections with the professionals. Maybe we'll pay by Blue Cross or something like that prior to their release.
So it's now light years ahead of where it was. We're not tossing out people and hoping that VAC.... They can apply for their pensions early. One of the first things I do when I see a patient soon after diagnosing him, even if he is nowhere close to release, is to ask, “Have you put your paperwork in to VAC?” It's much easier to go through the process while they're still with us than somebody having to find them 10 years later.
So as much as possible, we have that transition. It's not rushed, but slow. And they can start their post-secondary education or college while still serving. Within the last six months of this September, they can start in school and still come to our clinic to get care.
As for the families of the members, we are governed by the Canada Health Act. My family doesn't get care on the base either. And when we move, we had to find pediatricians and doctors for our own kids, as well.
We are allowed to provide care in support of the member. Within mental health, we stretch that as far as we can stretch it. So it doesn't mean the member has to be in the room. The member could be overseas. If the spouse walks into our psychosocial services unit and says to our social worker, “I'm having a hard time”, we will help the spouse right there.
When we're treating people and talking about PTSD, part of our standardized assessment across the country is to have the spouse come in within the first or second session. Keep in mind, it's within the member's confidentiality. He or she has to allow the spouse to come in. So very early on, we'll engage the spouse in the process and the education we provide, telling them what's going on.
We run regular educational groups for the spouses. We run couples groups for a week in Halifax. We'll fly people in, for example, to get some education about the illness, coping, anger, stress, families, raising children, and those kinds of things.
So as much as possible, we do provide help. It's not going to be a U.S. TRICARE service. For example, if a spouse suffers from depression, I can't write a prescription for an anti-depressant. We're held back in that sort of way.